Humane Society International







モルモット32 匹
もしくは マウス16 匹

モルモットの場合、試験物質は皮膚の表面に塗布されるか皮膚下に注入され、マウスの場合には、耳に塗布されます。動物の皮膚には、発赤、潰瘍、落屑、炎症やかゆみが出る場合があります。 皮膚のアレルギー反応のための試験
皮膚刺激性試験 ・腐食性試験

ウサギ1-3 羽

試験物質は、毛を剃ったウサギの皮膚に塗布されます。動物の皮膚には、発赤、発疹、病斑、落屑、炎症や、その他の損傷の症状が出る場合があります。  皮膚への刺激 (皮膚への可逆的な損傷) 及び皮膚への腐食性(皮膚への重度かつ不可逆的な損傷)のための試験

ウサギ1-3 羽

 試験物質は、ウサギの眼に点眼されます。眼には、充血、出血、潰瘍、失明や、その他の損傷の症状が出る場合があります。   眼への刺激(眼への可逆的な損傷)と眼への腐食性(眼への重度かつ不可逆的な損傷)のための試験


ラット7 匹

 試験物質は、注射器を使いラットの喉から流し込まれます。動物には、下痢、痙攣、口からの出血、発作、麻痺等の症状が出る場合があり、最終的には死に至る場合があります。 試験物質を飲み込んでから、物質が与えられた動物の半数が14日間で死亡する物質の量を評価するための試験


 試験物質は、ラット、モルモット、もしくはウサギの剃った皮膚に塗布され、動物が試験物質を舐めたり取り除かないようにするために、その部分をパッチで覆います。 試験物質を皮膚に塗布して24時間経過後、物質が与えられた動物の半数が14日間で死亡する物質の量を評価するための試験

ラット20~40 匹

 ラットは、全身拘束され、試験物質を吸入させられます。動物には、鼻からの出血、痙攣、麻痺、発作等の症状が出る場合があり、最終的には死に至る場合があります。 試験物質を吸入してから、物質が与えられた動物の半数が、14日間で死亡する物質の量を評価するための試験

ラット40 匹 (14~28 日)

 ラットは、14日、21日、28日、90日、もしくは180日間、毎日試験物質を強制経口投与させられるか、物質を強制吸入させられるか、もしくは物質を皮膚に塗布されます。暴露期間が終わると、臓器の状態を観察するため動物は殺されます。 繰り返し暴露されることによる細胞や臓器の変化を評価する試験

ラット120 匹

   ラットは1年間、もしくはそれ以上の期間、毎日試験物質を強制経口投与させられるか、物質を強制吸入させられるか、もしくは物質を皮膚に塗布されます。暴露期間が終わると、臓器の状態を観察するため動物は殺されます。  暴露後の組織や臓器における物質の吸収、分布や代謝を測定するための試験

マウス400 匹 とラット 400 匹




ラット4~12 匹

  ラットは、水や食餌に物質を入れるか、物質を強制経口投与されるか、物質を皮膚に塗布されるか、もしくは物質を吸入させられるかして、試験物質に暴露されます。物質によって、暴露は1回から複数回に及びます。血中における物質のピーク濃度を調べるために、毎日動物から採血されます。動物は特定の時期に殺されますが、時間の経過とともに物質がどのように身体の中を移動するかを記録するために、各動物は、異なる時点で殺されます。  暴露後の組織や臓器における物質の吸収、分布や代謝を測定するための試験

ラット1,400~2,600 匹

  成熟したオスとメスは、通常強制経口投与により試験物質に最低2週間暴露され、それから交配させます。妊娠したラットは妊娠中と授乳中も物質に暴露され、その後、殺されます。出生児は、離乳後も一生強制経口投与をされ、時には体重減少や痙攣等の慢性の中毒症状が出ることもあります。性成熟まで生存した出生児は、交配させられ、第二世代の妊娠・授乳期中も、強制経口投与が続けられます。第二世代の離乳期に全ての動物が殺され、組織が観察されます。  生殖・繁殖能力への影響や出生異常を評価するための試験
 発生毒性試験 (出生異常の試験)

ウサギ660 匹 (成熟したメス100 匹と胎児560匹)もしくはラット1,300 匹 (成熟したメス100 匹と胎児1,200 匹))

妊娠中のメスは、通常強制経口投与により、妊娠開始時期から妊娠中ずっと試験物質に暴露されます。妊娠しているメスは予定日前日(ラットの場合、平均して22日目、ウサギの場合、平均して31日目)に殺されます。胎児は取りだされ、発育異常の兆候が評価されます。 出生異常を評価するための試験.

マウスもしくはラット80~500 匹

 マウスやラットを使う遺伝子変化の試験はいくつかあります。一般的なものでは、動物は最低14日間、毎日試験物質を強制経口投与されます。骨髄や血液のサンプルが採取され、遺伝子の変化が観察されます。 がんの初期段階に関する評価の試験

*想定される危険性や実施される試験によって、変異原性試験は、一連のin vitro (動物を使わない)試験と動物を用いた試験で構成されます。

動物実験に使われる動物に関しては、詳しくは をご覧ください

Humane Society International

  • Thousands will have a better chance of survival. HSI

  • Working by headlamp. HSI

  • Keeping careful records helps measure success and inform planning. HSI

  • Returning to the ocean after laying her eggs. HSI

  • Off to begin their lives. HSI

Now in its third year, an HSI/APOWA project to Save the Olive Ridleys off the coast of Odisha, India has achieved great success and attracted the attention and support of other NGOs, forest officials, and local and foreign volunteers. Read more about the project in its first and second years.

This season, in three locations south of the Gahirmatha sea turtle rookery and Devi river mouth (the world’s largest Olive Ridley nesting grounds), the team protected 756 females, collected and relocated 60,429 eggs, aided 12,029 disoriented hatchlings and in total, safely released 36,029 turtles into the sea.

Please, donate to help save turtles and other wildlife.

Hands-on rescue is only part of the mission. The project has trained 44 community members on such topics as protection of sea turtles and nests, hatchery management and handling of hatchlings. There has also been a very conscious drive to educate citizens and raise awareness about the conservation effort. Multiple programs did outreach to more than 2400 people, including 123 children and teachers from 11 schools who took part in “clean up the beach” activities while learning about these animals.

Patrols remain the most effective way to protect females and hatchlings. Currently, 10 guards from nearby villages watch over the beaches, warding off threats and recording data to help inform future efforts to save this endangered species. Give now to support our work.

Humane Society International

  • iStock

今でも世界中で、口紅やシャンプーなどの化粧品の試験のために、実験施設で動物が苦しめられ、犠牲になっていることを知っていますか? 動物の口から無理やり化学物質を流し込んだり、点眼したり、また剃った皮膚に物質を塗布したりして、試験が行われています。これが、ヒューメイン・ソサイエティー・インターナショナル(Humane Society International、HSI)の#BeCrueltyFree思いやりのある美しさキャンペーンが終わらせようとしている、化粧品産業の醜い現実です。

Q: 化粧品の「cruelty-free」 (動物に苦痛を与えない)とはどういうこと?

A: 「Cruelty-free」な化粧品企業とは、安全かつ人道的な技術革新に取り組んでおり、1) 化粧品の完成品及び原料の安全性を確立させるための新たな動物実験の実施・委託、2) 動物実験なしには人間での安全性を確保できないような新たな原料*の使用、3) 新たな動物実験が必要である国における化粧品の販売、の3つを廃止する「期限」を設定している企業のことです。(「新たな原料」とは、企業が定めた期限の後に初めて化粧品のために開発された、または用いられた、新たな化学的物質を指します。)

Q: 化粧品の動物実験にはどのような動物が使われているの?

A: 世界中で、毎年10万~20万匹の動物が、化粧品のために苦しみ犠牲になっていると推定されます。これらの動物には、ウサギ、モルモット、ハムスター、ラットやマウスなどが含まれます。イヌやサルは、どこの国でも化粧品の試験のためには使われていませんが、その他の化学物質の試験において用いられています。

Q: 化粧品にはどのような動物実験が行われているの?

A: 一般的に、化粧品の動物実験には、毛を剃ったウサギの皮膚に物質を塗りこむ皮膚刺激試験や、物質をウサギの目に点眼する眼刺激試験や、ガンや出生異常等の病気や健康被害の兆候を確認するための、数週間から数か月に及ぶ強制経口投与を行う研究や、大量の試験物質を強制経口投与し致死量を確認するための、非難が絶えない「急性毒性試験」などが含まれます。これらの試験は、動物を失明させたり、目の腫れ、皮膚の腫れや出血、内出血、臓器の損傷、出生異常やけいれんなどを引き起こし、そして最終的には死に至るなど、動物にとって著しい苦痛を伴う場合があります。試験が終了すると、動物は通常は窒息、首の骨を折る、断頭などの方法により処分されます。鎮痛のための処置は通常行われません。動物実験の種類については、詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。

Q: 法的に義務付けられていないのに、何故企業は動物実験を実施しているの?

A: ほぼ例外なく、動物実験を実施するか否かの選択は企業にゆだねられています。ほとんどの場合、企業が「新規」原料を開発し、使用したいという理由で動物実験が選択されます。新規原料とは、新しいために既存の安全性に関するデータがない原料のことを指します。なので、規制上、製品を販売する前に新たな安全性データを収集する必要があり、そのために動物実験が実施されるのです。






Q: これらの動物実験には、科学的な限界はあるの?

A: あります。同じ物質にさらされても、異なる動物種の場合、異なる反応を示すこともあるため、動物実験には、科学的限界もあります(ということは、ヒトとその他の動物の反応は異なる場合があるということです)。したがって、動物実験の結果は、人間に対して適用できない場合もあり、実生活において人間に及ぼす被害を過小評価もしくは過大評価してしまうこともあります。加えて、動物実験の結果は変化しやすく、解釈が難しいということもあります。信頼性が低く、予測が困難な動物実験は、消費者の安全性を保証するためには十分ではないということになります。


Q: 動物実験の代替にはどのようなものがあるの?

A: 化粧品企業は、今すぐに動物実験を廃止しても、cruelty-freeな方法を活用し、新しく、かつ安全で楽しい美容化粧品を製造することができます。Cruelty-freeな方法には次のようなものがあります。


企業は、ヒトが化学物質に対してどのように反応するか、動物実験よりもより正確に予測できる最先端の動物を用いない安全性試験を活用することができます。40以上の動物を使わない試験方法が利用できると評価されており、これらの最新の代替法のほうが、動物実験よりも、より安価で効率が良く、人間により適用できる結果を生み出します。最先端の動物を使用しない試験方法は、最新の科学的技術が提供するものであり、時の流れにより古くなりつつある時代遅れの動物実験に取って代わるものであるからです。例えば、EPISKIN、EpiDermやSkinEthicのような人間の肌を再構築したものを用いた皮膚試験もいくつかあります。また、太陽の光により誘発される光毒性のための「3T3 NRU」試験や目の腐食試験のBCOP試験等があります。代替法について、詳しくはこちらから。

上記のアプローチは、cruelty-freeな企業を認証する国際的に認められたプログラムであるリーピング・バニー(Leaping Bunny、英文のみ)に認証された企業がとっているアプローチです。

Q: 日本では化粧品の動物実験は法的に義務付けられているの?

A: いいえ。日本の法令では、一般化粧品については特段動物実験が義務付けられておらず、また禁止もされていません。したがって、現行の法令のもとでは、企業は動物実験を実施することを選択できるようになっています。新規の防腐剤やUV吸収材など、特定の新規の化学物質を用いる場合や、薬用化粧品(医薬部外品)において新たな原料を使う際などには、動物実験が求められています。

Q: 化粧品の動物実験を禁止した国はあるの?

A: あります。化粧品の動物実験の実施は、2009年より、欧州連合(EU)の加盟国28カ国で禁止されています。また、HSIの#BeCrueltyFreeキャンペーンも手伝って、2013年3月11日より、この日付以降新たに動物実験が実施された化粧品とその原料のEU域内の販売も禁止されました。イスラエルにおいても、2007年と2013年にそれぞれ動物実験の実施と販売の禁止が課されました。インドにおいても、#BecCrueltyFreeインドのチームにより展開された積極的なキャンペーンの後、2013年に動物実験実施の禁止が導入されました。最近では、#BeCrueltyFreeブラジルのチームにより、2014年1月、サンパウロ州における化粧品の動物実験の完全禁止の導入が歓迎されました。また、2015年には、#BeCrueltyFreeニュージーランドが、化粧品の動物実験禁止の実現に貢献しました。



Q: HSIの#BeCrueltyFree思いやりのある美しさキャンペーンは、化粧品の動物実験を終わらせるためにどのような取り組みを実施しているの?

A: HSIの#BeCrueltyFree思いやりのある美しさキャンペーンは、化粧品の動物実験を終わらせる取り組みとしては、最も成果を挙げている世界最大規模のものです。我々は、動物の代弁者として以下の事項に取り組んでいます。




企業の動物実験廃止を支援し、変革をもたらすためにcruelty-free な企業とパートナーシップを結びロビー活動を実施すること


Q: 私にできることは?

A: 以下のことを実施して、HSIの、化粧品の動物実験を終わらせる取り組みを支援してください。

Be Cruelty-Freeの誓約に署名し、化粧品とその原料の動物実験禁止に対する支援を表明してください。


動物実験が実施されている製品や、動物実験が実施されている原料を使用した製品を買わないようにして、Cruelty-freeな製品を購入するようにしてください。Cruelty-free な製品をお探しの際は、HSIが公表している日本語の#BeCrueltyFree ショッピング・ガイドをご活用ください。

自分の愛用しているブランドに問い合わせて、cruelty-freeになってもらうように働きかけてください。問い合わせの際は、次のことを聞いてみてください: 1) 原料もしくは完成品に動物実験をしていますか? 2) 原料供給会社が動物実験を実施した、新規の原料を購入していますか? 3) 中国のような、新たな動物実験が義務付けられている国で製品を販売していますか? これらのいずれかの質問の回答が「はい」の場合、製品を買わないでください。


Humane Society International / Canada

The vast number of consumer labels affixed to egg cartons can leave a shopper feeling dazed and confused. One carton may label its eggs “Natural.” Another carton may call them “Free Range,” while yet another may claim its eggs are “Certified Organic.” How are thoughtful consumers supposed to know what these labels and claims really mean?

The truth is that the majority of egg labels have little relevance to animal welfare or, if they do, they have no official standards or any mechanism to enforce them.

Welfare concerns

No label, classic, conventional, regular, farm-fresh, natural

The chickens who laid these eggs are kept in cages for almost their entire lives. The cages are about the size of a file cabinet drawer and can hold up to seven hens. The birds don’t have enough room to even flap their wings, and cannot lay their eggs in a nest—a hen’s strongest instinct.

Omega-3 enriched, vegetarian-fed, lutein-enriched

These terms all describe the hens’ diet, not their level of welfare. Unless they are marked with a label specifically addressing their housing (e.g. free range eggs), these eggs are from caged hens.

Better options

Free run

These hens are kept cage-free in barn housing. While they don’t have access to the outdoors, they can lay their eggs in a nest box, flap their wings, peck at the ground and have access to perches.

Free range

These hens are kept cage-free in barn housing. They can lay their eggs in a nest box, flap their wings, peck at the ground and have access to perches. These animals are allowed access to the outdoors when weather permits.

Best choices

Organic, certified organic

Unless these eggs are marked with one of the logos below, compliance with Canadian Organic Standards is voluntary, so standards may vary.

These labels are found in some parts of Canada, and all indicate that the housing systems that these hens live in have been third-party verified.

While each standard specifies a different amount of space per hen indoors, none of these hens are in cages and, in the case of certified free range, all hens have specified time and space outdoors, weather permitting.

What to look for

Certified organic logos (all provinces)


Certified organic and certified humane logos (British Columbia)


Certified organic logos (Quebec)


Note: Virtually all hens in commercial egg operations—whether cage or cage-free—come from hatcheries that kill all male chicks shortly after hatching. The males are of no use to the egg industry because they don’t lay eggs and aren’t bred to grow as large or as rapidly as chickens used in the meat industry. Common methods of killing male chicks include suffocation, gassing and grinding. Tens of millions of male chicks are killed each year in Canadian hatcheries.

Humane Society International

In China to raise awareness about the Yulin Dog Meat Festival on June 21, HSI China Specialist Dr. Peter Li rescued two puppies from the butchers’ knives. An HSI partner group saved two more.

What were the circumstances of the rescue?

On June 13, I went to two slaughterhouses and one live dog trading market at about 4am with a Shanghai journalist, an activist from Xi’an and a local activist. When we arrived at the trading market, we could see cages of live dogs being brought in on the backs of motorcycles. Most were in bad shape—emaciated, depressed and in pain. Three with serious skin problems looked particularly miserable.

At about 7am, the manager began to shout at us in order to drive us away. Just as we were leaving, another motorcycle raced in. On the back of it was a cage with two lively puppies. I went to the cage. The bigger puppy stood up to try to touch my fingers. He was so energetic, not knowing that he was in the most disgusting place. The other puppy was shy and sat in the corner of the cage. Without any thought, I told the man that I wanted those two dogs. It was too hard to leave them behind for the restaurant owners.

Why did they catch your eye in particular?

They were so cute that they looked like polar bear cubs. Their innocent faces were unbelievably attractive. They were like furballs. I could not imagine that they were brought to the live dog market. How could we slaughter puppies and eat them? Once we held them in our arms, they were so quiet, as if they knew they were in good and loving hands.

What happened after you took them away from the market?

We placed them in a local dog boarding facility run by an animal lover and checked on their condition daily. When I went back to Yulin to pick them up, they seemed to remember me. They were so happy in the cage, jumping, tumbling and trying to lick my hand.

I had them examined by a local vet, who said that they were in perfect health. They were given their first shot and they were ready to say goodbye to Yulin.

Did you have any difficulties in getting them out of the city?

It was definitely not easy. When the boarding facility lady went to the Yulin Animal Control Office for a vaccination certificate, we were told that none would be issued that day because of the dog meat festival. The Office Head did not want any mistakes made that could lead to his dismissal.

I called a contact at the airport and asked if he had a solution. Eventually, he was able to arrange for documents to be issued from Nanning instead.

With the two puppies, I hailed a taxi. Just when I was celebrating the successful “escape,” the car broke down. The driver opened the hood and we saw a smoking engine on the verge of catching fire. “Ai yi,” I was murmuring in my mind. I guess the road to freedom and safety cannot be too smooth! Fortunately, I got another ride to Nanning.

The puppies were loaded onto a China South Airlines flight to Beijing and I managed to get on board the same plane. In Beijing, we stopped for a few hours at a relative’s apartment. The two young girls of this animal-loving family had great fun hugging the two puppies.

A colleague took one to the US on the 27th. I’ll take the other one on July 3.

What next?

I couldn’t resist, nor risk disappointing my daughters! I am adopting one of them and one has been adopted by an HSI board member — a very different fate from the one they had previously faced.

Humane Society International

HSI’s Dr. Peter Li, along with The HSUS’s Karen Lange and colleagues from local partner groups, bore witness to the horrors of this year’s Yulin Dog Meat Festival in an effort to persuade officials to cancel it. Below are some of the scenes they encountered.

AP Images for HSI

Saving lives

Activists surround a truck in a Yulin dog meat market on June 20, bargaining for the lives of animals on their way to slaughter. At the city’s notorious dog meat festival, an event they had managed to shrink in size but not stop, activists searched for and bought as many such dogs as they could. All of the dogs in this truck were saved, along with as many as 400 others rescued from dog meat traders during a series of interceptions over three days.

AP Images for HSI

Media attention

As activists descended on Yulin from around China for the June 21 festival, so too did media—radio and TV reporters from Shanghai, Zhejiang, Beijing, Hong Kong, and beyond brought the story to the rest of the nation. Overseas journalists brought it to the world. Streets that in past years had filled with people eating dog meat and lychee and drinking hard liquor to mark the summer solstice were instead crowded with activists, reporters, defenders of the dog meat trade, and bystanders drawn to the conflict.

AP Images for HSI

Signs covered up

About a week before the official date of the June 21 dog meat festival, the city government banned the display of the word “dog” on restaurant signs. So around the city, restaurant owners covered up the Chinese character. It was not the only move that the government, under pressure from activists and concerned about its image, took to subdue the festival. Earlier, officials ordered an end to the public slaughter of dogs within the city and told employees not to eat dog meat in restaurants. They also tried to stop big transport trucks carrying dogs from entering the city.

AP Images for HSI

Suffering in transport

Dogs being sold as meat arrived in Yulin crammed in narrow cages that can be stacked on big trucks during transports of as much as 700 miles that leave dogs sick, dehydrated, and sometimes dead. The cages can also be flipped on their slides to fit on the back of motorbikes. When Yulin blocked big trucks from entering the city, dog traders appeared to have unloaded their trucks and transported dogs the remaining distance on motorbikes and in pickups.

AP Images for HSI

Slaughtered in the shadows

Dogs await slaughter behind a restaurant in Yulin. In past years, dogs were killed in the street, but this year, they were slaughtered in secret. “Now we have to do it as though we are thieves,” a restaurant owner told a Chinese TV station.

AP Images for HSI

Processed with poison?

A woman uses a blowtorch to prepare the skin of a dog so that it can be displayed for sale in a restaurant. Because many dogs sold for meat are skinny, their flesh is soaked in water, where it swells and becomes plump and white.Then traders brown the outside to make the meat marketable. Eating dog is hazardous. City officials have not strictly enforced food safety laws. Dogs may carry rabies or other diseases, or may have been poisoned. Animal welfare advocates estimate that as many as one in 10 of the dogs traded for meat in China are stolen pets. Help put a stop to the suffering.

AP Images for HSI

Speaking out for change

Protesters in front of Yulin’s city hall on June 13 briefly unfurled a banner about the health hazards of eating dog meat before being run off by police. A week later, on June 21, activists were back. HSI partner group members handed out leaflets that read, “Food safety is more important than dog traders’ profits.” Their audience: As before, the media and police.

AP Images for HSI

Rescued from butchers’ knives

This year’s unprecedented campaign by Chinese animal welfare activists along with more than 100,000 signatures collected by HSI did not completely end the festival. But there was little celebration in this year’s event. “It was really not a festival anymore,” said Li. “It was just a reaction from the locals, saying, ‘We want to eat [dog meat].’ It was just shameful.”

In past years, as many as 10,000 dogs had been slaughtered. This year, according to the Xinhua News Agency, 17 of 69 restaurants in the city that served dog took the meat off their menu. Another four were shuttered by city authorities for food safety violations. Dog meat sales were down. No exact count can be made,¹ but hundreds, likely thousands, fewer dogs lost their lives.

Photo descriptions by Karen Lange.

¹ A likely reliable source, the Yulin Centre for Animal Disease Control and Prevention, later estimated the number of dogs killed to be around 2,000.

Humane Society International

The annual event, organized by the city’s government, was originally intended for people emerging from the region’s brutal winter to enjoy as a public gathering of “walking for health,” but Chinese activists have taken advantage of the opportunity to publicize their causes. This year drew more than 100,000 people, representing 1,300 groups and NGOs from 16 countries.

Please, donate to help end the horrific dog meat trade and help animals worldwide.

Vshine Animal Protection Group, a local HSI partner organization, was represented by more than 1,000 supporters and dozens of dogs. They carried banners and handed out leaflets calling on Chinese authorities to shut down the internationally notorious Yulin Dog Meat Festival, set for June 21. In the evening, they held a candlelight vigil to draw further attention to the issue.

Vshine is working with HSI’s Companion Animals & Engagement department to encourage the Chinese government to end the Yulin Festival—which in the past has resulted in the slaughter, often openly in the streets, of thousands of live dogs —with the ultimate objective of turning Chinese public opinion against the dog meat trade.

More than 35 groups from 24 cities in China are participating in the campaign.

They are hopeful of success, as pressure from advocates and bad publicity have already persuaded authorities to cancel similar events elsewhere. Please donate to support our work.

Humane Society International

  • Be Cruelty-Free Japan. HSI

橘高 ルイーズ・ジョージ




先月、化粧品の動物実験の禁止に関連した世界的動向に関する情報と日本の今後の方向性を共有するために、国会議員、科学者や動物保護団体の関係者の集まりが開催された。この勉強会における演者の一人はヒューメイン・ソサイエティー・インターナショナル(Humane Society International, HSI)の研究・毒性学部門のディレクターであるトロイ・サイドル氏であった。動物を使用しない試験方法の普及に取り組んでいる世界最大規模のNGOとして、HSIは政府、立法者、企業及び消費者とこの問題に取り組むにあたって、鍵となる役割を果たしている。








1990年代中盤に英国で設立されたラッシュは、1999年に日本に初出店し、今では日本全国でカラフルな手作りの入浴剤、ヘア・ケア製品やスキン・ケア製品を販売している。2012年には、HSIと共同で、動物実験に対する消費者の意識向上を目指すBe Cruelty-Free思いやりのある美しさキャンペーンを世界中の12か所の市場で開始させた。

ラッシュジャパンのチャリティー・キャンペーン スーパーバイザーの秋山映美氏は、HSIの日本のコンサルタントと協働体制をとり、今年初め、日本におけるBe Cruelty-Free思いやりのある美しさキャンペーンの開始に携わった。化粧品の動物実験について、日本の一般消費者を教育することは難しいと指摘している。




















HSI Be Cruelty-Free 思いやりのある美しさキャンペーン


 *この記事は、201462日にThe Japan Timesに掲載されたものの非公式訳です。英文のオリジナルの記事は、下記のリンクからご覧になっていただけます。


Humane Society International

  • A significant victory for seals. Marcus Gyger

The World Trade Organization today issued a final decision in its ruling to the inhumane global seal trade, and gave a precedent-setting boost to our domestic and international efforts to prevent animal abuse. The international body that sets the rules of the road on global trade matters has upheld the European Union’s right to prohibit trade in the products of commercial seal hunts for public moral reasons based on animal welfare.

This is one of the most significant developments in the campaign to save seals, and a critically important validation of the United States’ and other countries’ right to crack down on the global trade in products of animal cruelty.

We’re making progress, with your help! Please donate and take action to help end the slaughter.

The EU ban on the sale of commercial seal products, instituted in 2009, had been challenged at the WTO by Canada and Norway as violating international trade rules. After a WTO panel in 2013 largely upheld the EU’s right to restrict trade in products of animal cruelty for public moral reasons, finding fault merely with certain exceptions to the ban, Canada and Norway appealed the panel’s findings. Today, the WTO Appellate Body — the final arbiter of international trade disputes — reaffirmed that the EU was justified in placing limitations on trade in seal products based on its citizens’ concerns over the animal welfare risks in seal hunting.

The WTO’S acceptance of the concept that a nation’s legislative decision that certain products are just too cruel to be sold within its borders bolsters animal protection legislation throughout the globe. It will also reassure any country considering a positive trade-related animal welfare measure that it has much less to fear from a WTO challenge than it did before. The ruling also means that hundreds of state and federal animal protection laws already in place can now be fully enforced and hopefully expanded and strengthened in the years to come.

Today’s WTO decision is a victory for the global animal protection movement, and specifically for the legal and political experts at Humane Society International and The HSUS who have worked tirelessly to push the WTO toward this acceptance of animal welfare as a legitimate moral rationale for restricting trade. The HSI/HSUS team made a significant contribution to this victory by providing video evidence during the WTO hearings of the inherent cruelty of commercial sealing and by co-authoring two amicus briefs submitted for consideration by the WTO.

This ruling also confirms that it is time for the Canadian government to stop wasting taxpayer dollars to preserve this cruel slaughter. Canada should take action to put an end to commercial seal slaughter and compensate sealers through a fair sealing industry buyout. Such a plan has broad support amongst sealers and would cost Canadians far less than continuing to prop up the commercial seal hunt with government subsidies. Join our call for a buyout and then please give to support our efforts.

Humane Society International / Global

Dog saved from dogfighting operation
Jay Kim/The HSUS

HSI and The Humane Society of the United States offer rewards for information about dogfighting in Costa Rica or the United States. Learn how to spot the signs of dogfighting.

Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, the Tip Line for Complaints Against Dogfighting (8625-6000) allows citizens to send videos, photos and messages by cell phone that will identify people or places involved in dogfighting activities.

Through the tip line, people can report any type of animal fighting activities, contribute to the eradication of breeding facilities, provide information on locations holding illegal fights, and ultimately help dismantle animal fighting rings.

If the information provided is accurate and ultimately leads to the seizure of abused dogs and/or the arrest of those involved animal fights, the informant will receive a reward of up to US $1,500 from HSI/Latin America.

United States

In the United States, The HSUS offers a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone involved in dogfighting. If you have information about illegal animal fighting in your area, you can call HSUS’s animal fighting tip line at 877-TIP-HSUS and your information will be kept confidential. Learn more.

Note: The HSUS also offers a reward for information about cockfighting, and about U.S. puppy mills (for the latter, call 1-877-MILL-TIP).

If you live in the United States, here are more ways to help.

Report it

If you have information about a potentially illegal dogfighting operation, here are the steps to take:

1. Call your local police department or animal control agency. Give them as many details as you can about the suspected animal fighting operation. You do not need to give your name to law enforcement to report your information. You can also call our tip lines.

Note: In order to qualify for the rewards program, this must be an open case. Additionally, law enforcement officers (including ACOs and humane officers) are not eligible for our rewards program.

2. Get a letter from law enforcement. If the suspected animal fighter is convicted, ask the law enforcement agency involved in the case to write a letter to HSI/The HSUS. The letter should state that your tip helped lead to the arrest and prosecution. The letter should be mailed, faxed, or emailed to:

Animal Fighting Reward Program
c/o Adam Parascandola
The Humane Society of the United States
1255 23rd Street, NW, Suite 450, Washington, DC 20037
Fax: 301-721-6414

3. Call us for more information. If you have questions about the reward program, please call us at 202-452-1100.

Spread the word

Order our animal fighting reward posters and display them prominently throughout your community or wherever you suspect illegal animal fighting occurs. To order posters in English (United States tip line), email For Spanish (Costa Rica tip line), email You can also download PDFs of our U.S./English and C.R./Spanish posters.

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