Statement on bill to kill street dogs and cats in Türkiye

Humane Society International / Global

A dog in the street in Antakya, Türkiye
Jodi Hilton/HSUS

ANKARA, Türkiye—Humane Society International is deeply concerned about recent developments in Türkiye regarding the treatment of community dogs and cats living on the streets. The ruling coalition has announced plans to introduce a law to allow the killing of roaming cats and dogs who, after a short period in shelters, are not claimed by their family or adopted. This represents a significant and alarming shift from Türkiye’s previously progressive stance on street animal welfare. 

Türkiye has long been considered a model for its humane and effective approach to managing street animal populations, historically prioritizing the well-being of animals through policies that emphasize spay, neuter and return to their communities. These progressive and compassionate efforts have not only helped control street dog and cat populations humanely but have also garnered international praise.  

The proposed legislation threatens to undermine these achievements, causing unnecessary suffering and death to countless animals in a short-term fix that won’t deliver a long-term solution. In light of these developments, HSI has written to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan expressing our profound concerns and offering our expertise and assistance to both local and central authorities in Türkiye to implement effective and humane street dog and cat management programs that align with global best practices. 

As an organization dedicated to animal welfare with a long track record of successful programmes to humanely manage street animal populations, we believe killing is not only cruel, but also ineffective. HSI strongly urges the Turkish government to reconsider this legislation and instead to invest in solutions that prevent the suffering of animals while sustainably and effectively addressing public health and safety concerns. 


Media contact:  Yavor Gechev, communications director for HSI/Europe, ; +359889468098 ; +393515266629


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