Humane Society International


Say no to elephant rides.

Humane Society International


The international wildlife trade jeopardizes the survival and welfare of billions of animals every year, including threatened and endangered species. These animals are often killed simply to be made into and sold as a decoration, piece of jewelry or a symbol of wealth, or they suffer horribly only to end up in a life of captivity.

Humane Society International / Global


Billions of farm animals suffer in factory farms globally, confined their whole lives to cages so small they can barely move. HSI works with governments, corporations, producers and institutions to enact reform, end intensive confinement farming and promote alternatives to inhumane farming practices.

Humane Society International / Global


Trophy hunting is the unethical practice of killing wildlife for entertainment to obtain the animal’s body or its parts, such as head, teeth, horns or tails, for display as a trophy. Trophy hunters often pay large sums of money to kill rare or charismatic animals and enter their achievements into record books for awards kept by hunting organizations. Trophy hunting is not only unethical treatment and killing of animals, but it is also extractive and can harm conservation efforts by exacerbating direct and indirect threats facing many imperiled species. Trophy hunters travel all over the world for hunts, as over 75 countries import and/or export hunting trophies.

Humane Society International


As humans continue to encroach on animals’ habitats, clashes between people and wildlife will become increasingly common. Humane, non-lethal solutions need to be implemented to protect both from harm.

Humane Society International / Global


The commercial seal hunt in Atlantic Canada is one of the largest and cruelest slaughters of marine mammals on Earth. Each year, tens of thousands of baby seals, just weeks of age, are beaten, shot and skinned for their fur. The annual slaughter is cruel and wasteful, targets populations already impacted by climate change, and is economically nonviable.




Humane Society International / Global


Current egg, meat and dairy production and consumption practices are unsustainable and cause tremendous suffering. Choosing more plant-based options helps animals and the environment and supports your health.

Humane Society International / Global


The International Whaling Commission’s 1982 moratorium on commercial whaling has saved the lives of a multitude of whales. Only three countries still defiantly and cruelly kill them. HSI is trying to change this, as well as to maintain the moratorium, by providing accurate and up-to-date information to the public and policy-makers. We also work with the IWC on the other key issues adversely affecting whales, including fatal fishing gear entanglements and impacts from marine debris and other pollution.

Humane Society International

Please urge the Canadian government to end the commercial seal hunt once and for all

Humane Society International


Stand with HSI to stop the needless killing of wildlife around the world.

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