Introduction of human cell-based test spares animals from unnecessary suffering

Humane Society International / Brazil


BRASÍLIA—The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency has approved the 7th Edition of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia and has included a human cell-based and animal-free method to test the safety of medicines such as vaccines. This decision will spare many animals from unnecessary testing procedures and mark a significant milestone in the medicinal testing landscape.

Since 2022, HSI in Brazil’s Research and Toxicology department has established a working group to support the implementation of the monocyte activation test, providing a discussion forum where technical and legislative challenges have been discussed and possible solutions explored. The working group held online workshops in 2022 and 2023.

Bianca Marigliani, senior principal strategist, Research and Toxicology, Humane Society International in Brazil, said: “We are delighted at the inclusion of the MAT in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. This reaffirms Brazil’s commitment towards eliminating and replacing obsolete animal tests for batch release testing of vaccines, blood-derived products and other medicines. We have been working on this with CONCEA, BraCVAM and local biopharmaceutical companies since 2022, and this collaboration has been pivotal. We look forward to facilitating such advancements in other areas of safety testing of biologicals and medicines too.”

The MAT is a human-specific test method that can detect all kinds of pyrogens—substances that can cause a rise in temperature—and is a significantly more accurate representation of human in vivo reactions to such substances. Its inclusion as an alternative method to the traditional rabbit pyrogenicity test, an outdated test from the 1950s, is a significant step for patient safety. The introduction is also an important step for animal welfare, since rabbits will no longer be required for the release of biological products, like vaccines and blood-derived products, as well as other injectables products.

The inclusion of the MAT as an alternative method to the RPT follows the official recognition of the method by CONCEA in 2019 and shows the commitment of ANVISA and others in Brazil on moving away from the use of animal testing in the regulatory environment.

By recognizing the advantages of a human-based test, like the MAT, Brazil aligns with the European countries, India, China and Japan which have included the MAT as an alternative method to RPT and contributes to the global regulatory alignment of tests for biopharmaceutical products, in particular vaccines.

Please access the official text here


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Humane Society International / Brazil

Mouse in gloved hand
Anthony Bradshaw/istock

BRASÍLIA—Brazil’s senate has approved a new chemical management bill that restricts animal testing to a “last resort” and requires development of a strategic plan to fully transition away from animal use, measures championed by Humane Society International. These measures, if endorsed by Brazil’s president, will compel the adoption of modern, human-relevant science, benefiting citizens, the environment, and animals alike.

“HSI is proud to have actively collaborated with the Brazilian Government and legislators in crafting this law, which reflects modern, ethical approaches to chemical testing. This law represents another step forward for animals in our country,” said Antoniana Ottoni, senior federal affairs specialist for Humane Society International in Brazil. “We commend the Government and Congress for their leadership in protecting animals used in chemical safety testing. By prioritizing animal-free methods, Brazil is positioning itself as a leader in ethical science and setting an example for other countries to follow.”

Senator Fabiano Contarato, who authored the Bill report at the Social Issues Commission said: “This new legislation is very welcome, and it will equate the country with the big nations regarding the commitments about chemical management, that is an important matter for all society. The choice to use modern technologies to assure the safety of chemicals and not rely on old and cruel animal testing is the right way to go”.

Humane Society International remains committed to working with policymakers, scientists, and the public to ensure the successful implementation of the new law and the development of the strategic plan.


Media contact: Antoniana Ottoni, Tel: 55 61 9 8140 3636

Humane Society International


On May 22, Humane Society International hosted a webinar with three companies that have successfully transitioned to sourcing eggs exclusively from cage-free hens. Representing various business sectors, retailer Casa Santa Luzia, global hotel chain Marriott, and pet food company Special Dog, have each demonstrated how corporations can expand their ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives by transitioning to a cage-free supply chain.

HSI kicked off the webinar with an overview of the growing number of companies prioritizing animal welfare in their ESG initiatives. Globally, over 2,000 companies, including more than 160 in Brazil, have committed to transitioning to cage-free practices. HSI commended Casa Santa Luzia, Marriott, and Special Dog for their successful transitions to cage-free production systems, noting that the companies are sending a powerful message to their peers and producers, while changing the lives of countless animals for the better.

Representing the retail sector, Casa Santa Luzia, a high-end retailer from the state of São Paulo, opened the panel discussion. Luciana Lopes, coordinator of the Sustainable Action Program at Casa Santa Luzia, provided an overview of the company’s commitment to sustainable practices and its supply chain process. “The retail sector plays a very important role in educating on sustainability. And that is what we are trying to do every day,” said Lopes. In 2023, Casa Santa Luzia sold 2.5 million shell eggs, and will continue to only sell eggs from cage-free hens moving forward.

Next to speak was Marriott, represented by Jason Silva, the company’s procurement manager at Renaissance Hotel São Paulo. Silva emphasized Marriott’s dedication to high animal welfare standards and sustainable practices among its suppliers. Acknowledging HSI’s crucial support, Silva stated, “HSI has been helping us understand if suppliers are, in fact, meeting the parameters we want in terms of animal welfare. This is the most critical part of our company’s process of homologation [assessing and aligning] of new suppliers.” In 2023, the company purchased approximately 2.5 million shell eggs and 27 thousand pasteurized eggs.

Special Dog, the first pet food company in Brazil to complete its cage-free transition, concluded the presentations. João Paulo, Special Dog’s sustainable development manager, emphasized how animal welfare is essential in producing high quality pet food, indicating that the company has expanded its commitments to sustainable practices accordingly. Paulo stated, “Special Dog’s sustainability initiatives reach consumers and is today a competitive differential compared to other pet food manufactured brands. Cage-free comes to add to these efforts.” It is estimated that the lives of over 100,000 hens have been positively affected by the company’s shift to cage-free practices.

Anna Souza, policy and program manager in Farm Animal Welfare and Protection at HSI Brazil, closed the event with a final message: “A commitment to cage-free sourcing is not only a pledge to improve animal welfare, but a foundation for the sustainable development of businesses in all sectors. The future of egg production is cage-free.”

The full event recording can be accessed here (in Portuguese).

Recordings per section can be found below:


Media contact: Anna Cristina Souza:

Humane Society International and Full Technical Assistance Coordination address rising market demand for hen welfare in egg production

Humane Society International / Brazil


SÃO PAULO—Last week, producers raising hens for their eggs gathered in the countryside of São Paulo state, the largest egg-producing state in Brazil, to boost their knowledge of the scientific foundation behind cage-free housing systems. The workshop, which was hosted by global animal protection charity Humane Society International and rural extension state entity Full Technical Assistance Coordination, empowered egg producers attending the event to make their first steps in meeting the ever-growing consumer and market demand for cage-free eggs.

High-level panelists, featuring experts from Hendrix Genetics, Produtor do Bem, VR Assessoria Avícola and HSI in Brazil spearheaded the workshop. The event covered hen behavior and welfare, nutrition, biosecurity, animal health and farm management in cage-free egg production systems, demonstrating that producers have a variety of resources available to successfully transition to cage-free systems.

The market for cage-free eggs in Brazil is rapidly growing, accelerating the shift towards kinder, cage-free systems for raising hens and harvesting their eggs. Major retailers such as Carrefour and GPA, manufacturers such as Unilever and Bimbo, restaurant groups such as Arcos Dorados and Brazilian Fast-Food Corporation, hotel operators such as Accor and Atlantica Hotels, and many other sectors from food service to pet food manufacturing have pledged publicly to source exclusively cage-free eggs by 2028. Where the market goes, the production follows: the volume required from the over 170 large-scale buyers with these commitments will require a significant sector shift to cage-free systems to meet this demand. As seen in other countries, the corporate demand will change the landscape of Brazilian egg production.

Tatiane Carmo, agriculture and livestock assistant at CATI, stated: “As CATI technicians, we believe that raising cage-free laying hens is a global trend and that the consumer market demands products that consider the welfare of the animals, in addition to the quality and safety of the food. We found that many producers want to transition from the conventional system to cage-free systems, and others who have already adopted this system are interested in gaining more knowledge to improve their production and potentially obtain certification on animal welfare.”

Cage-free systems typically offer hens higher levels of welfare by allowing more opportunities for expression of natural behavior such as ground scratching, pecking, dustbathing, nesting, perching and socializing, all of which are not possible in conventional battery cage systems. Hens are sentient, intelligent and sociable animals. Scientific studies have shown that they have a sense of time, can countlearn from their flock mates and anticipate the future, which in turn affects their decision-making. They experience positive emotional states and enjoy social activities such as dustbathing.

To Rodrigo Cobrelo, consultant at poultry systems consultancy VR Assessoria Avícola, it is essential to ensure that the hen’s welfare is respected during their whole lives. “The focus should be on the hen, the egg is a consequence,” he said.

Diogo Ito, laying hen specialist at Hendrix Genetics, global breeding, genetics and technology company, said: “Cage-free systems meet a demand from consumers who seek a balance between animal welfare and do not compromise on the quality of the eggs on their table. To this end, it is important for the egg producer to follow certain recommendations that aim to protect hens from health problems, and at the same time meet its nutritional requirements, so that hens can remain healthy and produce eggs with high nutritional quality.”

José Ciocca, executive director at certification authority Produtor do Bem, stated: “Certifications provide applicable technical guidance and guidelines, and allow producers to demonstrate that their products meet specific standards. Furthermore, it helps companies implement their own animal welfare commitments, mitigates reputational risks in the supply chain and brings added and profitable value to the supply chain.”

Anna Souza, policy and program manager in farm animal welfare and protection at HSI in Brazil, said: “Producers now have a myriad of resources at their fingertips, empowering many to successfully transition to cage-free systems. There is no question that the future of egg production is cage-free, and HSI welcomes Brazil to join the global shift.”


Media contact: Anna Cristina Souza,

Humane Society International / Latin America


SÃO PAULO―Alibem, one of the largest pig producer integrators in Brazil, has published a new animal welfare policy that includes a commitment to reduce the months-long cage confinement of mother sows to no more than seven days, setting a new standard for all upcoming projects and facilities.

According to Humane Society International, this is a tremendous improvement over the standard group housing system that some producers have implemented. By 2031, Alibem will reduce the months-long solitary crate confinement of sows to no more than 35 days, which is 14 years before a 2045 deadline to have group housing for pigs established in Brazil.

Gestation crates, restrictive narrow metal stalls barely larger than a mother pig’s own body, deny them the freedom to move or even turn around. Mother pigs are confined during the entire length of their pregnancy, which is approximately 116 days. Confinement in the restrictive and barren crates has negative physical, psychological and behavioral impacts. In contrast, group housing systems keep sows together in pens where they have the opportunity to express natural behavior, comfortable movement and healthy social interactions. While group housing is becoming much more widespread, some producers using group housing still confine sows in crates for up to six weeks or 42 days after breeding, before moving them into group housing. HSI encourages producers to adopt crate-free systems where groups are formed before the sensitive period of the pregnancy and mother pigs are not confined in stalls for longer than seven days.

Anna Cristina Souza, policy and program manager for HSI Farm Animal Welfare and Protection in Brazil, praised the company’s decision to improve pig welfare and said: “Alibem’s commitment to go gestation crate-free for all new projects makes it a leader in animal welfare in the pig industry. This decision means that tens of thousands of mother pigs will be relieved from months confined in a crate barely larger than their own bodies.”

Souza says this signals an even brighter green light for the Brazilian pig sector to move away from gestation crates. There is a quiet revolution in Brazil, with the largest pork-producing companies implementing group housing systems Alibem joins other industry giants, such as JBS, BRF, Aurora, Pamplona, Pif Paf and Allegra, on the journey to either completely phase out or significantly reduce the amount of time that mother pigs are in solitary crate confinement. Together these companies represent most of the pig industry in Brazil.


Media contact: Anna Cristina Souza,policy and program manager for HSI Farm Animal Welfare and Protection in Brazil,

Humane Society International

David Paul Morris

SÃO PAULO—Special Dog, one of the largest pet food manufacturers in Brazil, announced that it is now procuring exclusively cage-free eggs for its manufacturing operations. This move makes Special Dog the first pet food manufacturer in Brazil to have effectively implemented its 100% cage-free eggs policy.

Brazil has almost 114 million hens and a majority are confined in cramped wire cages, preventing them from spreading their wings or taking more than a single step. Cage-free production systems provide hens with the space they need to lay eggs in nests, stretch their wings, scratch the ground, socialize with their peers and to peck—all of which are scientifically documented behavioral needs.

Anna Cristina Souza, policy and program manager for Humane Society International Farm Animal Welfare and Protection in Brazil, said: “Special Dog is now relieving thousands of egg-laying hens from a life of extreme confinement and sending a clear message to the egg industry that the future of egg production is cage-free.”

João Paulo Figueira, sustainable development manager for Special Dog, shared what motivated the company to adopt higher standards to guide their procurement practices: “Valuing animal welfare is the essence of our work, as we guarantee quality of life and longevity for more than 3 million dogs and cats that we feed daily. We understand that this care should fall on our supply chain as well, and with a lot of commitment, we completed the cage-free transition in less than a year.”

While pet food manufacturers such as Premier Pet, Premiatta, Dr. Stanley, and Padaria Pet have made commitments to embrace cage-free practices, it’s Special Dog that takes the lead in the Brazilian pet food sector, having already implemented its cage-free policy. Nestle, Unilever, and Pepsico have also pledged to halt the purchase of eggs from caged hens by 2025, a collective shift that underscores the undeniable momentum towards a future where cage-free egg production becomes the norm.


Media contact: Anna Cristina Souza:

Bill 70/2014, backed by Humane Society International, passed a plenary session vote in the Senate, advancing bill to final legislative step

Humane Society International


BRASILIA—After nearly a decade in the National Congress, Bill 70/2014, which aims to enact a federal ban on animal testing for cosmetics in Brazil, passed the Senate today. The amended bill, which represents the collaborative work of Humane Society International and the Brazilian Association of the Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics Industry, garnered the support of Sen. Alessandro Vieira, Sen.  Eliziane Gama andSen.  Nelsinho Trad. The Liberte-se da Crueldade Brazil campaign, launched in 2012, led by Humane Society International in Brazil in partnership with the NGO Te Protejo, handed in more than 1.6 million signatures to the President of the Senate demonstrating citizen support to encourage the swift vote of this bill, which has been dwelling in Congress for nearly a decade.

Humane Society International in cooperation with the Brazilian Association of the Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics Industry strengthened the bill language to reflect international best practices in non-animal testing methods. Stakeholders achieved a consensus, highlighting that cosmetics animal testing on products and their ingredients was unnecessary, leading to the unanimous vote of the amended bill, marking a significant milestone for animals used in laboratories in Brazil.

Antoniana Ottoni, public affairs specialist from HSI, said: ‘We’ve achieved a significant milestone today. After nearly a decade in Congress, we were finally able to pass this in the Federal Senate. We are very pleased to see this bill moving once again. This was a joint effort between Humane Society International, the Brazilian Association of the Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics Industry and the politicians who have supported this issue. We thank the president of the Senate for championing this bill, along with all senators who continue to reinforce this issue in Congress. We look forward to working with all stakeholders to move the bill swiftly through the final legislative stage to become law.”

Senator Nelsinho Trad said: “It is our duty to protect animals. I am happy to endorse this matter and with the movement of the Federal Senate in favor of the cause. Now, we urge colleagues in the Chamber of Deputies to analyze the substitutive text and approve it as soon as possible.”

The next step for this project to become a federal law will be a debate and vote in the Chamber of Deputies, which could make Brazil the 43rd country to ban animal testing for cosmetics.


  • Animal testing for cosmetics can  subject rabbits, guinea pigs and mice to eye/skin irritation, eye/skin corrosion, acute toxicity (LD50), and other tests s without pain relief. Consequences of this type of experimentation are permanent skin injuries, blindness, eye irritation, stress, intoxication and death.
  • Worldwide, there are already 42 countries that have banned animal testing for cosmetic purposes, including India, Norway, Switzerland, South Korea, Australia, Colombia, Mexico and those belonging to the European Union. At the national level, the Federal District and 13 states in Brazil have legislated through state laws to end these practices: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Amazonas, Pará, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Pernambuco, Espírito Santo, Acre and Paraíba. However, Bill 70/2014 seeks to ban experimentation on animals for cosmetics at the federal level, thus including all states in the country.
  • More than 2,000 “cruelty-free” beauty brands are available worldwide. These companies produce safe products by using ingredients that have a history of safe use along with modern reliability assessment tools without the need for animals. HSI recommends reviewing the list of brands free of animal testing in Te Protejo Brasil.


Media Contact: Antoniana Ottoni: +556181403636;

Cooperation between Conscious Eating Brazil, Humane Society International and city hall will ensure that more than 170,000 students have more vegetables, legumes, grains and fruits on their plate

Humane Society International / Brazil

Enaldo Pinto The Secretary of Sustainability and Resilience, alongside the Secretary of Education and the Vice-Mayor  holding the cooperation agreement signed at the partnership formalization event.

SALVADOR—The municipality of Salvador signed a cooperation agreement with Humane Society International and Mercy for Animals, through the Conscious Eating Brazil (ACB) program to launch the Educating for Sustainability program in municipal schools. The initiative, will impact more than 10 million meals a year in municipal schools, providing new, tasty and healthy options on the menu of 170,000 students, who will have more vegetables, legumes, grains and fruits on their plates.

The recipes were developed according to the needs of the institutions and the acceptance of students, also considering the food culture of the region, the infrastructure of the kitchens and the regulations that the institutions must follow, according to the National School Feeding Program. Participating institutions are encouraged to prepare meals only with in-natura ingredients

“By making this inclusion on the menu of institutions that serve meals on a large scale, such as schools and popular restaurants, we were able to significantly contribute to a systemic change in food culture, in addition to influencing an individual change in consumption for those who have the power to choose their food,” says Alice Martins, manager of Food Policies at Conscious Food Brazil in a statement translated from Portuguese into English.

The organizations created these programs to meet the demands and needs of public institutions that serve meals on a large scale. At no cost to the partner institution, these organizations offer the support of a team of nutritionists, chefs and specialized professionals who provide menu development, theoretical training in nutritional and environmental education and practical training in plant-based meal preparation. In addition, all professionals in the municipality involved in the program implementation process receive printed and virtual nutritional and environmental education materials to support a successful implementation.  The organizations provide ongoing support after the program is in place.

“The idea is to instill and create long-term changes in students’ eating habits. Today in Brazil we know that children, mainly from the poorest strata of the population, which is the target public of the municipal school system, do not consume the recommended servings of fruit and vegetables, and protein sources are concentrated on products of animal origin, so our proposal is that we can encourage our children to form a healthier palate for the rest of their lives,” says Municipal Secretary of Education, Marcelo Oliveira, in a translated statement.

“The objective is for municipal schools to easily include menu options with a greater variety of plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals, which form the basis of a healthy diet, according to the recommendations  from the Ministry of Health, through its Food Guide for the Brazilian Population, and the World Health Organization,” says Thayana Oliveira, manager of Food Policies at HSI in Brazil.

The commitment will also help Salvador achieve critical climate, sustainability and health goals set by international and Brazilian authorities. After the program is implemented in all municipal schools, the city will receive the International Seal of Leadership in Health and Sustainability, recognizing its role and commitment to advancing and mitigating climate issues through healthy and sustainable eating. The program will also move the municipality closer to achieving five of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and achieve goals 2, 7 and 26 of the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan developed by the municipality in an intersectoral manner.

“The program meets management objectives and will be a stimulus for our Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan, which aims to neutralize greenhouse gas emissions by 2049 in the municipality. In addition, it will promote healthy eating habits among students, with an increase in the consumption of vegetables, fruits, and other items of plant origin, highlighted the Secretary of Sustainability and Resilience, Edna França, in a translated statement.

According to estimates of the scientific methodology used by ACB and HSI for the environmental impact, annually, the partnership will contribute to:

  • a savings of 50,000 tons of soy that will no longer be destined for livestock, enough to feed about 1.3 million adults for one year;
  • the preservation of 16,000 hectares of forests preserved, the equivalent of 16,000 football fields;
  • a savings of 400 million liters of water, equivalent to more than 3 million 15-minute showers;
  • the elimination of 75,000 tons of CO2 that would have been emitted, equivalent to about 575 million km not driven by car.

To learn more about ACB and HSI and learn about the resources offered free of charge to public institutions, visit and


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Humane Society International

guinea pig being injected
Guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, birds and other animals were used in testing by the thousands. 

Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA) has introduced a new regulation making it possible for companies to forego two obsolete and scientifically unnecessary animal tests for quality control of veterinary biological products such as vaccines. The move has been welcomed by Humane Society International, which has been working in Brazil and across the globe with regulatory authorities and industry stakeholders to eliminate and replace obsolete animal testing from regulations for both human and veterinary biological products, promoting a global regulatory alignment in the way non-animal tests are accepted and implemented.

The animal tests impacted by the new Brazilian regulation – the Target and Laboratory Animal Batch Safety Tests – were developed nearly a century ago, consumed vast numbers of mice, guinea pigs, birds and larger animals, and are now widely regarded as unnecessary for assuring the safety of veterinary biologicals. Following a comprehensive scientific review, Brazil has decided to join the United States, Europe, Japan and other major economies in allowing companies to waive these tests.

Antoniana Ottoni, federal affairs specialist for Humane Society International in Brazil, said, “This welcome regulatory reform is a true win-win-win – sparing animals needless suffering and death, reducing costs and bureaucracy for companies and authorities, while ensuring a high standard of quality and safety for veterinary medicines in Brazil. We are grateful to colleagues in our Agriculture Ministry for their collaboration and willingness to break from a century old tradition in favour of alignment with the growing international scientific and regulatory consensus.”

Marcos Vinícius Santana Leandro, auditor and General Coordinator of Veterinary Products in MAPA’s Department of Animal Health said, “The Ministry of Agriculture, Supply and Livestock took the decision to install an official process for waiving animal tests for quality control for veterinary products, aware that the safety of these products can be achieved by improving the manufacturing process, which have come a long way over the past few decades, introducing strict controls over starting materials and the development of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), quality assurance and control, and pharmacovigilance systems. These advances have contributed to the creation of a safe environment in which waiving these tests has become a viable and safe possibility. In addition, it will enable the regulatory harmonization necessary to reduce bureaucracy in the registration of health veterinary products of extreme relevance to animal health and the development in our country.”

The new MAPA regulation is available here.

Humane Society International is pleased by changes in national regulations to minimize animal use in school supplies safety assessment

Humane Society International


RIO DE JANEIRO—Humane Society International is excited to announce that animal-free safety assessment of school supplies is now possible in Brazil. Previously, rats and rabbits were routinely used to test paints, glues and other school supplies. HSI worked together with Brazilian stakeholders to change the requirements for school supplies safety, avoiding the use of many animals.

Although several non-animal methods have been accepted in Brazil since 2014, due to lack of clarity animals are still routinely used. Non-animal assessment of school supplies first required changing the Brazilian National Standards Association (ABNT) norm for school articles safety to allow assessment of the product based on existing information on its ingredients. Another important change is the requirement that animals are used only as a last resort and only when technical justifications are present. These unprecedented changes have been codified in ABNT NBR 15236:2021, published on Sept. 9.

The second required change was for the registering authority to refer to this new norm, which was published on Oct. 8 in the Inmetro Ordinance number 423. This makes the ABNT 15236:2021 the mandatory requirement for toxicological safety assessment and school supplies compliance in Brazil.

These regulatory changes are the result of a joint effort and HSI appreciates the discussions involving different stakeholders and the important support provided by the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA).

“These apparently simple changes ensure child safety while avoiding the unjustifiable use of many animals in safety assessment of school supplies in Brazil,” said Dr Bianca Marigliani, HSI’s science advisor. “These changes also set the precedent for the kind of regulatory clarity that is needed to finally implement non-animal methods in chemical safety assessment in Brazil and bring us closer to regulatory harmonization with other countries.”


Media Contact: Bianca Marigliani:; +55 11 97635-6068

Additional Information:

According to Brazilian regulations, all school supplies with more than 3 grams of paints, glues, gouaches, watercolors and powered material per unit of use must have their safety confirmed regarding acute oral toxicity. Those susceptible to skin contact must also have their safety confirmed for skin irritation. According to the previous version of the ABNT 15236 (Amendment 1, published in May, 2020), acute oral toxicity and skin irritation could be assessed by in vivo or in vitro methods, which means the laboratories were free to choose between testing on living animals or using alternative methods, in these cases, cell cultures. In addition, in Brazil safety testing has traditionally been performed on finished products, which is expensive, time consuming and has significant limitations, mostly counting on animal testing.

The Research and Toxicology Department of HSI in Brazil identified that ABNT Brazilian Norm 15236:2020 was in disagreement with:

  • the Three Rs principle, which stands for reduction, refinement and replacement of animal use;
  • the Environmental Crimes Law (Law number 605/1998), which considers it a crime to use living animals for scientific purposes when there are alternatives; and
  • the Normative Resolution number 18 of the CONCEA, which recognized alternative methods for different endpoints, including an alternative (non-animal) method for skin irritation, and with a five-year deadline for mandatory replacement of the animal method, ended in September, 2019.

Aware of the possibility of an unjustified and wrongful use of animals for conformity assessment of school supplies, HSI managed to engage CONCEA and ABNT on the discussion to change the ABNT 15236 norm. ABNT organized a series of online meetings with HSI and CONCEA members, representatives of laboratories and school supplies industries and other stakeholders to discuss HSI suggestions for changing the ABNT requirements for safety assessment of school supplies. After two rounds of public consultation, HSI’s suggestions were accepted and ABNT standard 15236:2021 was published on Sept. 9, 2021.

The main changes by endpoint are the following:

  • for both acute oral toxicity and skin irritation, the ingredient-based safety assessment is the recommended strategy.
  • for acute oral toxicity, in vitro methods can be used if it is not possible to perform ingredient-based safety assessment, and in vivo methods are only allowed as a last resort and when there is technical justification (e.g. sample incompatibility with the in vitro test).
  • for skin irritation, an integrated approach on testing and assessment (IATA) must be followed, if new tests are needed, in vitro methods can be used, and in vivo methods are only allowed as a last resort and when there is technical justification.

The ABNT 15236:2021 is now cited by the consolidated version of the Inmetro Ordinance number 423, which determines the requirements for conformity assessment of school supplies. This makes the ABNT 15236:2021 the mandatory requirement for toxicological safety assessment and school supplies compliance in Brazil. The changes made to the ABNT 15236 ensure child safety while guaranteeing the use of animals as the very last resort, which can prevent the unjustifiable use of many animals in the safety assessment of school supplies.

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