
Meredith Lee/The HSUS


HSI works globally and locally to address animal abuse and neglect. These efforts include education initiatives, policy coordination and facilitating implementation. HSI trains law enforcement and government officials on animal cruelty investigation and prosecution and collaborates on humane animal control efforts.


Percentage of those arrested for animal cruelty with multiple arrests in their past, including 70% with previous felony arrests

Hoarded cat


Recidivism rate of animal hoarders without legal or psychiatric intervention

Scared cat


Percentage of domestic violence victims reporting that their pets have also been threatened, harmed or killed by their abuser

The issue

Kathy Milani

HSI fights abuse and neglect of animals in their many forms. Recognizing the well-documented link between animal abuse and human violence, HSI works to pass animal welfare laws in countries that lack it, upgrade laws where legislation is weak, outlaw the most heinous practices involving animals, and train and assist government agencies in enforcement of those laws.

About abuse/neglect:

  • There is a well-established link between animal abuse and human violence, including domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse and other violent crimes.
  • Animal protection needs worldwide span individual, group and institutional abuse.
  • Customs, laws and cultural traditions in different regions can pose challenges and require culturally sensitive navigation, methods and solutions to animal welfare concerns.
  • Some do not see animals as sentient beings who possess basic feelings, like loneliness, pain, fear and happiness.
  • Puppy mills remain a widespread, significant animal abuse and cruelty issue.
  • There are three types of animal hoarders: overwhelmed caregivers, rescuer hoarders and exploiter hoarders.
Amanda Chaves/HSI

Our work in action


More you can do

1. Develop a first-strike campaign (violence prevention and intervention) in your community.

2. Travelers: Avoid participating in any activity that involves animal exploitation.

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