Saving Olive Ridleys in India: Year Three

Humane Society International

  • Thousands will have a better chance of survival. HSI

  • Working by headlamp. HSI

  • Keeping careful records helps measure success and inform planning. HSI

  • Returning to the ocean after laying her eggs. HSI

  • Off to begin their lives. HSI

Now in its third year, an HSI/APOWA project to Save the Olive Ridleys off the coast of Odisha, India has achieved great success and attracted the attention and support of other NGOs, forest officials, and local and foreign volunteers. Read more about the project in its first and second years.

This season, in three locations south of the Gahirmatha sea turtle rookery and Devi river mouth (the world’s largest Olive Ridley nesting grounds), the team protected 756 females, collected and relocated 60,429 eggs, aided 12,029 disoriented hatchlings and in total, safely released 36,029 turtles into the sea.

Please, donate to help save turtles and other wildlife.

Hands-on rescue is only part of the mission. The project has trained 44 community members on such topics as protection of sea turtles and nests, hatchery management and handling of hatchlings. There has also been a very conscious drive to educate citizens and raise awareness about the conservation effort. Multiple programs did outreach to more than 2400 people, including 123 children and teachers from 11 schools who took part in “clean up the beach” activities while learning about these animals.

Patrols remain the most effective way to protect females and hatchlings. Currently, 10 guards from nearby villages watch over the beaches, warding off threats and recording data to help inform future efforts to save this endangered species. Give now to support our work.

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