Show your support for a dog meat-free Bok Nal in South Korea

A ban on the dog meat industry will come into effect until 2027. Meanwhile, call for a dog meat-free Bok Nal.

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Urge Mexican legislators to protect animals in Mexico’s Constitution

Help make Mexico a world leader in animal welfare

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Hold the new UK government to their promise to stop animal cruelty

Ask the new Defra Secretary of State to act quickly for animals

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Tell the NIH retire 26 chimpanzees to sanctuary before it’s too late

Please demand that NIH follow the law and move 26 chimps to Chimp Haven sanctuary

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Urge Iceland to end whale hunting

Urge Iceland to end whale hunting

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Act against animal cruelty in India

Call for better laws with stronger penalties and deterrence of cruelty for animals.

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Tell Max Mara to go fur-free

Animals are suffering on fur farms and in traps right now. Please help convince Max Mara to change its cruel...

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End the captivity of great apes and elephants in Canada

Prevent animals from suffering needlessly for human entertainment

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End the export of live horses for slaughter from Canada

Urge Canada to pass Bill C-355 and stop allowing thousands of live horses to be flown to Japan to be slaughtered for meat

Act Now

End the export of live horses for slaughter from Canada

Urge Canada to stop allowing thousands of live horses to be flown to Japan to be slaughtered for meat

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