End animal neglect and suffering in marine captivity

Ask Ontario's Solicitor General to safeguard the remaining animals at Marineland

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End animal sacrifice at Nepal’s Gadhimai festival

Urge the government of Nepal to ban this cruelty before the next festival in December.

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Support a major milestone toward a Fur-Free Britain!

Ask the Secretary of State to support a just-introduced bill to ban fur imports and sales

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Help phase out testing of chemicals on animals

Urge the Canadian government to accelerate the phase-out of animal testing

Act Now

Stop puppy mills

Help stop this cycle of cruelty by pledging to adopt your next pet or purchase only from a responsible breeder

Act Now

Urge Türkiye to manage dogs humanely

Mass killing of street dog populations is neither humane nor effective

Act Now

Show your support for a dog meat-free Bok Nal in South Korea

A ban on the dog meat industry will come into effect until 2027. Meanwhile, call for a dog meat-free Bok Nal.

Act Now

Urge Iceland to end whale hunting

Urge Iceland to end whale hunting

Act Now

Act against animal cruelty in India

Call for better laws with stronger penalties and deterrence of cruelty for animals.

Act Now

Urge Viet Nam to ban the dog and cat meat trades

Call to ban the trafficking of dogs and cats throughout Viet Nam to supply markets, slaughterhouses and restaurants

Act Now

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